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Vesta Market

1 oz. 100% Turmeric Root Powder Fresh

1 oz. 100% Turmeric Root Powder Fresh

Regular price $6.26
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Organic Ground Turmeric BIO Organic

Organic turmeric (ground turmeric rhizome) 100%

Gives a characteristic taste to broths and poultry dishes. You can add it to mustard, sauces. Turmeric is also a medicinal plant, more specifically, Java curcuma rhizome (Rhizoma Curcumae).

In general, turmeric rhizomes exhibit bile forming properties, stimulate liver function and increase bile acid production. Turmeric began to enjoy the interest of pharmaceutical companies when it was discovered that the substances contained in it have a strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect. Extracts taken orally also stimulate the production of gastric juice and mucus.

Alcoholic extracts of turmeric have choleretic (cholereticum), stimulate liver function and increase the production of acids bile. These extracts contain p. Tolylmethylcarbinol with a strong cholagogic effect, as well as curcumin and its degradation product - ferulic acid, cholagogue (cholagogum). These compounds can change the structure of gallstones and cause their solubilization, they also act as an antispasmodic, reduce smooth muscle tone in the bile ducts, restore the natural contractility of the gallbladder, prevent bile stasis and allow its faster flow. The bactericidal effect of these compounds on some microorganisms that cause gastrointestinal infections is important.

Country of origin of ingredients: India
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