Vesta Market
Annual Clary 100 seeds mixed colours
Annual Clary 100 seeds mixed colours
Tricolor sage is a perennial, grown in Poland as an annual plant. This unique plant is decorative not so much with flowers, but with multicolored flowers. Reaches 40-60 cm in height, and its erect, branched shoots are densely covered with hairy, lanceolate leaves. In the upper parts of the shoots, sub-flower leaves appear - larger and wider, pink or purple, decorated with a mesh of small, dark veins. In early summer, small flowers bloom above them, gathered in soaring inflorescences. They can be white, purple or pink.The presented species tolerates slight frosts, therefore it can be cultivated from the May sowing straight into the ground. We produce seedlings in April in the inspection. Tricolor sage takes on the most intense colors and the most decorative, compact habit when grown in full sun. It feels good on light, well-drained, moderately fertile soils. Poor soils serve it more than overfertilized. It looks beautiful in a large group - whether on a bed or on the lawn. It requires virtually no care treatments.
Each pack contains 0.5 g or around 100 seeds of mixed colour.
Salvia horminum