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Vesta Market

Aster Tall Princess Ruckley Supreme Flower 100 seeds

Aster Tall Princess Ruckley Supreme Flower 100 seeds

Regular price $4.65
Regular price Sale price $4.65
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Aster Tall Princess (Callistephus chinensis) is one of the most interesting varieties in asters gardens. It creates large, flat baskets filled with a mass of tubular flowers, which are surrounded by long ligular flowers, making the flowers appear surrounded by rays. They are set on long, upright shoots, the plants during flowering reach a height of 50-75 cm. White flowers with cream-yellow centers will certainly be an attractive decoration of any garden, whether planted individually or in combination with other plants. They will also look beautiful as summer decorations in vases. The prince's aster blooms for a very long time, flowers emerge in high summer and develop until frost.

Aster seeds are sown at the beginning of spring in a heated room, emergence occurs evenly and quite quickly if we ensure constant humidity and temperature. This species can also be cultivated from direct seeding into the ground in mid-spring. We replant them for discounts, keeping a distance of 20x40 cm. The site for the cultivation of Cymes astra should be fully insulated. They are best told by soil that is moderately rich in nutrients and is constantly moderately moist.

Each packet contains 1 g of seeds which is about 100 seeds.
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