Vesta Market
Tithonia Flower 20 Seeds
Tithonia Flower 20 Seeds
Tithonia (Tithonia rotundifolia), closely related to the well-known and popular asters, is a graceful, tall annual plant that develops numerous saucer-shaped flowers. Flower baskets have round, sunny yellow centers and wide, striped, lush orange petals. They appear on the tops of highly branched shoots that rise 80-100 cm above the ground, forming extensive clumps. The offered plant looks especially beautiful in large groups, as a background for lower bedding species, such as miniature zinnia, cosmos or marigolds. It can also be used as a cover for plants sensitive to gusts of wind. Due to the strong growth, it will also perfectly play the role of a solitaire.Tithonia seeds are sown in containers in early spring. Strong seedlings with a few pairs of leaves can be transferred to the target site at the turn of spring and summer. Plants prefer moderately compact, humus-rich and slightly moist, rather light soils. They bloom exceptionally generously and for a long time in fertile soil, from July until frosts in October.This package contains 0.5g of seeds which is about 20 seeds.Tithonia Rotundifolia